Prošle godine u ovo vreme, ista ekipa (minus 1) slikala se za čuveni post BBHMM (ovde) i taj post  je bio prekretnica mog bloga. To je bio momenat kada se sve promenilo i kada je moj trud, koji sam prethodne tri godine ulagala, polako počeo da se isplaćuje.
Kažu da dobre stvari ne treba menjati, tako da izgleda da će ovo postati tradicija.
Ove godine, povodom proslave četiri godine bloga, ekipa u punom sastavu, a moja zamisao je bila da post bude na temu 'glam vs farm'.
Hvala još jednom svima koji me podržavaju, i naravno, hvala mojim devojkama! Cvele, Una, Ana, Jelly, you rock!!!
Posebno hvala Tijani ŽunićP1 Concept Store, Milici Kandić i Predragu Djukniću.
I hvala Mr. Boss-u što je tu za mene since day 1!
Behind the scenes video sa snimanja možete videti ispod.

This time last year, the squad (minus 1) shot the famous BBHMM post (here) and that particular blog post changed everything. From that moment, everything has changed. And my effort finally started to pay off.
They say don't change what's good, so I guess this will turn into tradition.
This year, the whole squad anticipated for the 4th Fashion Babe anniversary shooting, and my idea for the shooting was something like 'glam vs farm'.
And I want to thank each and everyone of you, who supported me during these 4 years. And of course, super special thanks to my girl squad! Cvele, Una, Prtina, Dr. Djorić, you rock!
Special thanks to Tijana ŽunićP1 Concept StoreMilica Kandić i Predragu Djuknić.
And a special thank you to Mr Boss, who has been there since the day 1! 
You can take a look at behind the scenes video below.

photo: Vesna Kojić
jumpsuits by Milica Kandić
one shoulder dresses by Predrag Djuknić
red dress by Tijana Žunić
choker by Duna Sab
 photo 641E5E69B24FB27E669BDD6C92A26D0B_zps203454e7.png

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