Insta Babe Vol. 4

Hey everyone! I haven't had time to do any post literally since I've landed in London. Also, the weather here was horrible. Today is the first day when it's actually sunny. And I'm so happy about it. :D I prepared this instapost for you and I hope today I'll take some outfit pics for you. :) Till then, I send you loads of kisses :)

Ćao ljudi. Bukvalno od trenutka kad sam sletela u Lodnon nisam imala vremena za bilo kakav post. Takodje, vreme je bilo užasno (oko 7 stepeni) i danas je prvi sunčan dan i to me čini jakoooo srećnom. :) Spremila sam brzi instapost za vas i nadam se da ću danas uspeti da se fotkam za outfit post. Do sledećeg 'čitanja' :), šaljem vam puuuuno poljubaca!