11983 km, 15 days, 5 flights, 2 cousins (in the end there was 5 of us), 1 luggage (yes, I know it sound ridiculous), 1078 hours spent laughing, minimum hours spent sleeping, at least 15 hamburgers eaten by person, and a lot positive energy!
That was our USA coast to coast to coast trip. :)
After three and a half months of hard working in South Carolina, my cousin Masa and I spent 15 lovely days traveling across US. We went to US by the end of May, with the Work and Travel Program. It was my second time participating in this program. My first time was two years ago and I was also in Myrtle Beach, SC, like this year. But this year everything was 10 times better. First of all, I was there with my cousin, I knew few people that I met before, and that helped me a lot.
I was working two jobs, one at Golden Corral buffet, as a server, and the other one in
Coach store. I was so blessed to have the opportunity to work at those places.
Then, as I mentioned, after 115 days spent working, we went for 15 days vacay. Well deserved, as I like to say.
As u can see on the map, we started our trip from Myrtle Beach, and we first went to Chicago. Chicago is like a mini version of NY, but a lot cleaner and smaller. From Chicago, we went straight to San Francisco, CA. Beautiful beautiful city. When u get there, something screams 'You are in California'. From SF we went to Las Vegas, and I won't lie to you, Las Vegas is my favorite city ever!! The city by itself impressed me so freaking much, and if somebody would ask me if I could choose one city to go back to anytime, that would be Vegas, for sure! Then we went to Miami, and somehow this city didn't impress me at all. I was disappointed. Maybe I expected too much. Or maybe I didn't explore the city well. I still don't know. While in Miami, we visited Key West, and Orlando, where we went to Disney World, the biggest Disney World ever. That was an awesome experience.
It was one of the most touching months of my life, and I am happy I had the chance to share this experience with my dearest friends, living every moment at its fullest.
Next couple of days, I will write about every city I visited on this trip. If you have any questions, or you need advice, or anything else, feel free to ask.
Stay tuned for more.
11983 km, 15 dana, 5 letova, 2 sestre (a kraju nas je bilo pet), 1 kofer (znam da zvuči neverovatno), 1078 sati smeha, minimum sati spavanja, najmanje 15 hamburgera i drugih fast food vragolija po osobi, i mnoooogo pozitivne energije.
To je ukratko bio nas USA coast to coast trip. :)
Posle tri i po meseca mukotrpnog rada u Južnoj Karolini, moja sestra Maša i ja smo provele 15 divnih dana putujući kroz Ameriku. Mi smo u US otišle krajem maja, preko Work and Travel programa. To je moj drugi put da učestvujem u ovom programu. Prvi put sam učestvovala pre 2 godine i bila sam u istom mestu kao i ove godine, Myrtle Beach-u, u Južnoj Karolini. Samo što je ove godine sve bilo 10 puta bolje. Prvo, išla sam sa sestrom, drugo, tamo sam već znala neke ljude, koje sam upoznala pre 2 godine, što mi je mnogo mnogo pomoglo.
Radila sam dva posla. Prvi u Golden Corral buffet, kao server, a drugi u prodavnici ženskih tašni,
Coach. Imala sam mnogo sreće da imam ovako dva dobra posla.
Zatim, kao što sam već spomenula, posle 115 dana rada, otišle smo na 15 dana godišnjeg odmora. I to dobro zasluženog, kako ja volim da kažem.
Kao što možete videti na ovoj mapi iznad, naše putovanje je počelo od Myrtle Beach-a, i najpre smo otišle u Chicago. Chicago je kao mini verzija NY-a, ali dosta čistiji i manji. Iz Chicaga, otišle smo pravo u San Francisco. Prelep prelep grad. Ali totalno drugačiji od prethodno vidjenog Chicaga. Jednostavno, to je California. Odatle smo otišle u Las Vegas, i neću vas lagati, Vegas je moj omiljeni grad na svetu. Grad, sam po sebi je ostavio neverovatan utisak na mene. I kada bi me neko pitao da izaberem jedan grad na svetu gde bih volela da se vratim bilo kad, to bi definitivno bio Vegas. Dalje, nakon LV, posetile smo Miami, ali iz nekog razloga, ovaj grad uopšte nije ostavio utisak na mene, šta više, bila sam razočarana. Možda sam očekivala previše. Ili možda nismo dovoljno istražile grad. Dok smo bile u Miami-ju posetile smo Key West, i Orlando, gde se nalazi najveći Disney World na svetu. To je bilo predivno iskustvo.
Svakako ću reći da je to bio jedan od najbolje provedenih nedelja u mom životu, srećna sam što sam imala mogućnost da ovo putovanje podelim sa svojim dragim prijateljima, živeći svaki momenat do kraja.
Sledećih par dana ću pisati o svakom gradu posebno. Ako imate nekih pitanja, treba vam savet, ili bilo šta drugo, slobodno mi pišite.
Uskoro opet sa vama, sa još više detalja.
Ljub ljub